Thursday, Sep 26
9:00  Welcoming&Registration
9:30  Opening Session 
      Full paper session #1
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Keynote Michael Samyn & Auriea Harvey
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Full paper session #2
      Heritage Games Workshop
15:30 Coffee Break 
16:00 Demos Session
17:30 Coffee Break
18:00 SPCV General Assembly (members) 
20:00 Conference Dinner 
22:00 Pica-Kucas Party
Friday, Sep 27
9:00  Keynote by Miguel Sicart 
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Work-in-Progress session
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Full paper session #3
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Keynote by Dan Pinchbeck
17:00 Closing Session
18:00 Informal chill out

**Thursday, Sep 26**

9:00 Welcoming&Registration
9:30 Opening Session
10:00 Full paper session #1 – Technologies

-> Tiago Agostinho, Fernando Milagaia, Fausto de Carvalho and Licinio Roque. (U. Coimbra, PT Inovação) Architecting a Reusable Platform for Pervasive Augmented Reality Games based on Petri Net Models
-> Nuno Barreto and Licinio Roque. (U. Coimbra) An Interaction Design Model for a Petri Net based Behavior Editor
-> João Rodrigues, Wenya Nan and Agostinho Rosa. (IST, U. Macau) EEG Biofeedback and Brain Computer Interface in Games

11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Keynote Michael Samyn & Auriea Harvey

“The 20th century was not friendly towards beauty. Beauty was pushed aside by a disinterested appreciation of the sublime and a fascination with irony. Beauty was enlisted to seduce the public into over-consumption. Beauty was used as an insult for the weak and was considered irrelevant to the strong. Beauty was a lie. Beauty was accused of injustice, of being a tool for evil. Beauty was burned at the stake of humanism and democracy.

All this time, beauty remained. Dormant in a hidden mausoleum, surrounded by a magical forest. The time has come to awaken beauty with a kiss of love.

A century without beauty has stimulated sinister sentiments in mankind. A century without beauty has put the entire planet and its precious atmosphere in mortal peril. This is no coincidence. And as much as the absence of beauty has caused the deepest despair, so will the awakening of beauty in this new century inspire us to greatness once again.

Beauty will save the world.”

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Heritage Games Workshop (room E.4.7)
14:00 Full paper session #2 – Design

-> Samuel Almeida, Ana Veloso, Licinio Roque and Óscar Mealha. (U. Aveiro, U. Coimbra) The Video Game and Player in a Gameplay Experience Model Proposal
-> Durval Pires, Valter Alves and Licinio Roque. (U. Coimbra) Uma Proposta de Arquitectura para Composição Dinâmica de Soundscapes em Videojogos
-> Israel V. Márquez. (U. Complutense de Madrid) Crowdsourcing y Videojuegos. Los Jugadores Como Productores De Conocimiento.
-> Rui Craveirinha and Licinio Roque. (U. Coimbra) Our Ludic Sins – A Survey on Belief in Videogame Axioms

15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Demos Session

Game demos will be presented and available for experimentation
An invited Jury will provide appreciative criticism

-> Bipolar – Demo, Daniela Nunes, Hugo Gonçalves, Ivo Capelo, Melanie Guerreiro, Pedro Engana, Pedro Lousada, Rui Dias, Tiago Alves (Squared Muffin)
-> Gravity Forge, Bruno Caceiro, João Oliveira, Joaquim Mendes (BJJ Enterprises)
-> L’Archer D’Amiens, Daniela Fontes, João Amaral, João machado, Ricardo Cunha (IST)
-> Slam!, Inês moital, Nuno Costa (IST)
-> Hexcape, Vitor carvalho, Pedro Meleiro, Gonçalo Silva (FEUP)
-> AAA (nome provisório), Vitor Carvalho, Pedro Meleiro, Ivan Pereira, João Pereira
-> Blindfold, Durval Pires, Luís Reis, Bárbara Furtado and Tiago Carregã (UC)
-> Run Inês Run, Ana Rita Carvalheira, Inês Domingues, Mónica Graça, Nuno Vinhas, Miguel Bernardes (UC)
-> Slinki, Nuno Barreto, Sérgio Alves, Pedro Caetano, José Duarte and Pedro Rocha
-> iMeme Asteroids, Luís Jerónimo, António Lucas, André Lopes, Hugo Conceição and Hugo Gaspar (UC)

17:30 Coffee Break
18:00 SPCV General Assembly (members)

20:00 Conference Dinner

A conference dinner at the Praxis microbrewery. 

22:00 Pica-Kucas Party

An assortment of brain picking interjections mixed with soft and hard drinks (Galeria bar).

Confirmed submissions (others on the way):

SimProgramming: gamification como estratégias de interação e de avaliação pedagógica – Daniela Pedrosa, Ricardo Nunes, Leonel Morgado, José Cravino, Hugo Paredes, Paulo Martins, Carlos Barreira and Benjamim Fonseca

Interface xâmanica – Reconhecimento gestual mediado por computador - Filipe Carvalho, Fernando Cassola, Leonel Morgado, António Coelho and Hugo Paredes

Why I Love Videogames, Rui craveirinha 


**Friday, Sep 27**

9:00 Keynote by Miguel Sicart

“Overtures to the World: Videogames from ‘Pataphysics to Participatory Art

In this talk I will discuss an aesthetics of videogames that places videogames in a history of art tradition that goes from the classic avant-garde to postmodern participatory art practices. Taking as a starting point a phenomenological understanding of play and games as a source for the aesthetic experience, I will argue that videogames share with art movements the focus on performativity and dialogue as an essential element of aesthesis. Drawing on a number of contemporary games and art pieces, I intend to propose an alternative way to address the complex issues of aesthetics and videogames.”

10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Work-in-Progress session

-> João Sousa and Carlos Caires. (CITAR, U. Católica) O Espaço da Criação Independente na Indústria dos Videojogos
-> Cândida Barros and Ana Carvalho. (U. Coimbra) Os jogos mobile que os alunos mais jogam no 3º ciclo
-> Maria João Pinheiro, Ana Veloso e Óscar Mealha. (U. Aveiro) Exploração de novas soluções de interação com a instalação IMP.cubed
-> Andreia Ferreira and Frutuoso Silva. (U. Beira Interior) Gamágio: A Game For Plagiarism Prevention
-> Ana Narciso. (U. Algarve) Amnesia – The Dark Descent: Experienciar o survival horror sem formas de defesa e a custo da sanidade.
-> Diana Rodrigues, Pedro Neves, Ricardo G. Barroso and Leonel Morgado. (UTAD, U. Minho) Criar um Serious Game Sobre Bullying Escolar
-> Pedro Cardoso and Miguel Carvalhais. (ID+, U. Porto) Transcoding Action: A perspective on the articulation between the player’s and system’s actions in video games
-> Pedro Saraiva. (ISCTE-IUL) E-sports: Um fenómeno da cultura digital contemporânea
-> Ana Carina Figueiredo, Marco Heleno, Nelson Zagalo and Pedro Branco. (U. Minho) Playable and Collaborative Art: the MonMazes case-study

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Full paper session #3 – Studies

-> Ana Amélia Carvalho and Inês Araújo. (U. Coimbra) Hábitos de jogo em dispositivos móveis pelos jovens portugueses
-> Fernando Cassola, Leonel Morgado, Hugo Paredes, Benjamim Fonseca, Paulo Martins and Fausto de Carvalho. (UTAD, PT Inovação) Online GYM: um ginásio virtual 3D integrando a Kinect
-> Nuno Palma and José Ramos. (U. Évora) Atividade física, obesidade e videojogos ativos na Escola: estudo de hábitos e práticas de jogos em jovens do ensino básico e secundário
-> André Carita. (U. Lusófona de H e T) Videojogos e pintura: um jogo de correlações

15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Keynote by Dan Pinchbeck

“Emotion is Gameplay, Gameplay is Emotion.

The neuroscientist Antonio Damásio made a powerful argument that all rationality is actually based upon emotion and emotional memory in his works “Descartes’ Error” and “The Feeling of What Happens”. This was always a profound influence upon our philosophy of game design. We strive to move beyond mechanical complexity to emotional complexity, focusing on the internal interactions between player and game, rather than forming an experience through complex sequences of physical activity. For us, the dynamic emotional landscape created in real-time by the player’s journey through an interactive world is the very essence of gameplay, rather than cold, logical loops of easily definable feedback. Games are architectures for creating emotional experiences and everything else confuses the tool with the goal. This talk will focus on this central idea behind our work and how it relates to the wider issue of emotional interaction between a user and a cultural object. “

17:00 Closing Session
18:00 Informal chill out


Michael Samyn & Auriea Harvey, from Tale of Tales studio

Tale of Tales is an independent studio operating out of Ghent, Belgium which investigates videogames as a creative medium to craft beautiful and poetic playful experiences. 

Miguel Sicart, Associate Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen 

Miguel Sicart received his PhD in game studies in December 2006. His research has focused on providing a multidisciplinary approach to ethics and computer games, focusing on issues on game design, violence and videogames. He is the author of The Ethics of Computer Games (MIT Press, 2009) and Beyond Choices. The Design of Ethical Gameplay. His current research focuses on understanding playful aesthetics as a creative technological practice. Miguel Sicart is Associate Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen, where he teaches game and play design.

Dan Pinchbeck, creative designer for TheChineseRoom game studio

Dan Pinchbeck is Creative Director of The Chinese Room, a game studio based in Brighton, UK. Their first game, Dear Esther, was a critical and popular hit, winning many international awards and selling over three-quarters of a million copies. It is widely regarded as a landmark in indie gaming. This was followed up by Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, the sequel to Frictional Games’ 2010 horror masterpiece. They are currently working on a new open-world, story-driven title. Until recently, Dan was Reader in Computer Games at the University of Portsmouth, where he holds a PhD in First-Person Shooter Content and Gameplay. He has authored many academic papers and his first book DOOM: Scarydarkfast was published earlier this year by the University of Michigan Press.